Riders against sky and field at Urich Bikefest

2024 Urich Bike Fest Canceled, Rescheduled for 2025

In Announcements, Bikefest, Latest Updates, Music Festival by adminLeave a Comment

We regret to announce that the 2024 Urich Bikefest has been postponed to 2025. This decision was not made lightly, and we understand the disappointment it may cause to our cycling community and supporters who were eagerly looking forward to this year’s event. We are committed to making the 2025 Bike Fest an exceptional experience and appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Options for Registered Participants:

If you have already registered for the 2024 Urich Bikefest, we want to ensure that you have several options to choose from:

  1. Request a Refund: You can opt for a full refund of your registration fee.
  2. Transfer to the Tour de Wildwood: Your registration can be transferred to the upcoming Tour de Wildwood event.
  3. Transfer to the 2025 Urich Bike Fest: Secure your spot for the rescheduled 2025 event by transferring your registration now. Please note that 2025 registration is already open, and some participants have already made the switch!
  4. Convert to a MoBikeFed Membership: You can support our ongoing initiatives and advocacy efforts by converting your registration into a MoBikeFed membership.

Please let us know your preferred option by contacting Brent. You can reach him by email at director@mobikefed.org. Your prompt response will help us to manage the transitions smoothly.

Looking Ahead to 2025:

As we look forward to the 2025 Urich Bikefest, we are finalizing the dates and details to ensure the event is even bigger and better. Your enthusiasm and feedback are invaluable to us, and we encourage you to stay connected for updates as we plan an unforgettable event in 2025. Remember, if you plan on participating in the 2025 event or any of our state-wide events, early registration is crucial to the success of the events.

Thank you for your patience and support during this time. We can’t wait to ride with you in 2025!

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